Scalar Healing Lounge

New Scalar Healing Lounge

The latest healing device is now at Bellacroft Gold Coast. It is a Scalar Healing Lounge and is revolutionizing what we believe about our health and how we heal.

Bellacroft Scalar Healing Lounge

It could not be easier! You heal while you sit, lay back or sleep. Read a book or listen to music while a scalar “healing field” gently nurtures your body back to good health. The healing field:

  • Improves anxiety and mental focus
  • Reduces pain and migraines
  • Releases toxins and heavy metals
  • For your self-care day
  • Improve healing of injuries and surgery
  • and balances many areas of dis-ease in the body

Scalar healing is an amazingly simple way to improve your health. You heal while you sit, lay back or sleep. Just read a book or listen to music.

The scalar device produces a healing field about your lounge chair that gently nurtures your body. The waves provide a safe and effective way to heal holistically. Much of the pioneering work for scalar wave healing came from Nikola Tesla who first identified the new form of radio waves.

Keep in mind Scalar Healing Lounge is not a medical device. Bellacroft does not dispense medical advice, prescribe, treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose illness. Information and statements made are for education purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your qualified medical practitioner. We have found that results may vary.

What is Scalar Healing

Scalar is a new, natural and drug free system of healing. It uses gentle radio energy waves that boosts your mood, stamina and overall health.

The technology for this relates to the pioneering work by Nikola Tesla in quantum science and torsion field energy. In scalar healing, a gentle electromagnetic field is generated and then tuned to the area of the lounge. It is the perfect environment to encourage healing.

The field can help enhance, motivate, protect and balance all your body’s systems. It acts as a tonic to reduce stress and anxiety. It detoxifies cells and promotes growth.

All you do is sit back in the lounge, relax and allow your healing to take place.

How Scalar Healing Helps

Scalar Healing has been reported to:

Improve focus and attention ● Enhance body circulation ● Assist concentration ● Stimulate natural immune functions ● Enhance general wellbeing (also for your pets)● Enhance permeability of cell walls ● Improve cell nutrient absorption and waste detoxification ● Reduce pain and inflammation ● Enhance sleep quality ● Improve healing of injuries and surgery ● Reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression ●  Reduce migraines and headaches ● Speed up natural healing especially for fungus,  virus and bacterial infections ● Reduce intestinal parasites and irritable bowel symptoms ● Improve emotional wellbeing ●  Increase cell metabolism and assists with weight management ●  Improve stress management ● Improve Energy levels ● Stimulate brain functions and reduce the impact of dementia

How Scalar Healing Works

We believe that human cells, in addition to using chemical signalling molecules, also use subtle scalar fields to communicate the cell’s state of health. Sometimes certain energies cause blockages and disrupt this natural communication. We introduce a gentle scalar healing field which displaces the blockages and restores communication. This in turn exposes the diseased cells to the body’s defences.

Bellacroft Scalar Healing works at the cellular level

Scalar healing waves are also believed to enhance or “charge” the Mitochondria – the “power stations” inside each cell. This releases into cells much-needed energy to open and remove the blockages. With blockages removed, our body will return to its natural healthy state.

Scalar healing waves are sometimes thought of as an intelligence field, carrying messages of intent to the body, which are acted on at the cellular level.

Scalar healing may not be like anything you have experienced before. It works silently, gently and given a little time is very effective.

10 Things to do during Scalar Healing

Bellacroft 10 things to do during scalar healing

Bellacroft Scalar Lounge Brochure and Pricing