Have a cough or sniffle?
We ask if you have a higher temperature, discharge from nose or mouth, or flu like symptoms, please ring us on 0403 285 620 before your visit. Your usual practitioner will discuss your condition over the phone and advise you when best to come into the Wellness Centre. If appropriate we will book you for a home visit instead.
We also provide telehealth services and are able to discuss your concerns using Zoom or over the phone services. Additionally our remote healing service provides an effective way to balance your immune system and help you feel better.
We are trained to provide essential services during the pandemic. All staff at the Bellacroft Wellness Centre have their COVID-safe certificate issued by a Queensland Government’s Technical and Further Education college.
During your visit you may choose to wear your mask whilst in the Wellness Centre. We will also wear our mask if requested and use gloves, chest cover or full body cover.
If you are concerned, you may choose minimum physical contact for your visit. Our practitioners are able to provide all healing and massage support with clothing on.
Some of our clients have good health reasons why they would avoid use of masks. Those with asthma and respiratory conditions should seek the advice of their health professional. Please discuss this with our practitioner during your visit.
We conscientiously deep clean regularly. We sanitise tables and equipment before your visit and the whole room on conclusion of a session.
We are dedicated to your health and wellbeing and continue to offer the highest levels of health and healing services during these times.