Healing for Children

Bellacroft Childrens Healing

At Bellacroft Gold Coast, we specialize in restoring a child’s natural personality which can at times become unbalanced. This includes unsettledness, anxiety, behavioural difficulties, sleeping difficulties, ADHD, autism and ASD, aggressiveness, anti-socialness and agoraphobia. As we begin to return that balance, social difficulties reduce, sleep improves and the child becomes more confident with people and circumstances around them.

Many of our services are covered as NDIS Supports.

We have six practitioners at Bellacroft trained in a wide variety of skills including children’s counsellor, primary school teacher, naturopath, personal training, reiki master,  kinesiologist and massage therapist.  

Our newly installed Scalar Healing Lounge is a lovely big soft chair bathed in a gentle healing field. Like Reiki, this field heals and nurtures the little one while they draw or sleep. It is perfect for both mum and baby to receive the wonderful healing effects together.