Rife Frequency Healing

Rife Healing uses small micro-generators to bathe the body in gentle long wave frequencies. The waves zero in and resonate with those areas of ill-health, un-balance and dis-ease. They realign and refresh these areas promoting healing in a very effective way.

Feel uplifted, refreshed and regain your energetic balance!

Rife Healing with frequencies is based on the original research of Russian-French engineer, author and inventor of the multiwave oscillator, Georges Lakhovsky.

It was subsequently researched by Royal Rife using high power microscopy in the USA during the 1920 and 1930s. Rife published the frequency table still in use today.

Further refinement was carried out by Dr James Bare in Canada in the 1970s who is still building healing machines today. And in this century, John White from New Zealand perfected the processes and equipment used at Bellacroft today.

Rife Healing is extensively used in Europe, the USA and many other countries worldwide.