Room Hire

Rent from Bellacroft

Do you need professional allied or alternative health premises? Do you need a shopping centre location with more than 100 people passing by per day? How do you feel about working in a purpose-built wellness centre that has an uplifted and balanced feeling to it?

We have available short and medium term rental space from our wellness centre in the Mudgeeraba Shopping Centre. Currently available is a 2.5m by 3.0m room for hire during the week and on weekends.

The room is fitted with electric massage table. The wellness centre has been purposefully built for health and healing. It has a beautiful aesthetic presentation with extensive glass panels for natural lighting. This is complemented with soft full-spectrum LED lighting. There are no fluorescent lights.

An attractive reception and waiting room is provided, with booking, cash and credit handling facilities included.

A commercial towel and linen service is also included.

This room suits the growing demand for the professional remedial massage therapy services, especially established mobile practitioners looking to upgrade to more secure facilities.

Rental is $145.00 per day. The weekly rate is even more attractive.

Interested? Contact William Scott, Manager Bellacroft Wellness Centre on 0414 246 706.